Reap the benefit of embracing new ideas and challenging your belief system. 要从新事物和挑战信仰中有所收获。
Each interaction with another individual reflects a personal belief system and code of morality. 和他人的每一次交互,都反映了个人的信仰体系和道德守则。
He does not act with the purpose of gaining popularity: he acts because he is very in touch with his core belief system. 他这样做并不是为了受大家欢迎:他这样做是因为能接触到他的核心信仰体系。
A tax is generally thought of as something that only a government can levy, but this is a semantic distortion that favours the free market belief system. 通常人们认为只有政府能够征收的叫做税金,但这是一种语言游戏,助涨了自由市场信任体系。
Built over time, trust is based on the simple belief system that your partner has your best interests at heart and will never intentionally hurt you ( and vice versa). 信任是在你单纯的相信你的另一半会把你喜欢的东西放在心上,并且绝不会刻意伤害你(反之亦然)的基础之上,经过很长时间才能建立起来的。
And I no longer belong to any one belief system. 我不再隶属于任何一个信仰体系。
So to be successful, one must take a look inside themselves, and take inventory of their belief system. 因此,要取得成功,就必须考虑一下自己的内部,并采取清点自己的信仰系统。
St augustione absorbed plato's metaphysical ideas into Christianity and formed Christian belief system for value pattern. 托马斯阿奎那吸收亚里斯多德的理性说使基督教价值体系更趋完善。
On an Unsteady Aerodynamics Model for Pitching-Oscillating Body at High Angle of Attack Starting from Grand Uncle belief of Hakkas society, the author looks into its position in traditional belief system of heavenly god, earthly god and ghost. 飞行器快速俯仰产生大迎角非定常气动力数学模型研究从客家社会伯公与大伯公信仰谈起,追究其在传统天神、地?与人鬼的信仰体系中的定位问题。
Finding yourself is a time of developing a philosophy or belief system that can carry you through the rest of your life. 发现自己是一个开发一个可以伴随你一生的哲学或信念体系的时刻。
Epistemological belief system and its effects on learning have drawn attention of educational researchers in recent years. 摘要近年来心理学家日益关注人们的认知观及其对学习的作用。
B.How will ridding myself of resentment help me to develop a positive belief system in my life? 为自己消除怨恨将如何帮助我在生活中建立出一个积极的信念体系?
It has become a grab bag of ideas that people are tailoring to their own needs as they search for a new belief system. 许多中国人并不能完整地讲述这种哲学,儒教越来越成为了一个能够装载许多不同思想的筐,人们在寻找新信仰的路上按照自己的需求对它随意改造。
They, among many others, helped create a belief system that elevated markets beyond criticism. 他们和许多其他专业人士,协力创造了一种信任制度,将市场的地位抬升到了不容质疑的高度。
Religion is interpreted in this article as a belief system juxtaposed and multidimensionally connected with the secular order. 摘要文章将宗教归结为一种与世俗秩序并列又与其发生千丝万缕关联的信仰体系。
The belief System of Shi family is a typical representation of Manchu Shamanism, which covers the sacrificing objects of different families in Manchu. 满语“穆昆”,意为“家族、氏”。石姓穆昆的信仰体系是满族萨满教信仰观念的典型代表,它基本上涵盖了满族不同姓氏的祭祀对象。
He must inquire about his own pattern of thinking, his thought process, and to ask why he thinks that way, hold that value or belief system. 他必需调查他自己的固有的思维型式,思维过程,审问自己的价值观和观念体系的来源。
You cannotaccommodate new ideas if your belief system is rigidly held in place. 如果你们固守你们的信念,你们是不可能容纳新的思路的。
As I read Jidi Majia's poetry, I experience the perspective of an indigenous belief system with its windows thrown wide-open to the modern world. 从吉狄马加的诗作中,我感受到了一种少数民族独有的信念体系的风景,而这一风景的窗户对于当下的世界是开放的。
With Neptune traveling through here over the last few years, you have found this to become an almost spiritual belief system. 与海王星穿过,在过去几年里在这里,你发现这几乎成了精神信仰体系。
According to the Mayan belief system, the world will end. 根据玛雅人的信仰体系,世界将结束。
It is the larger belief system of the humans who are in charge of your planet that is the problem, not the individual beliefs of you and your friends. 这和你还有你朋友的信念关系不大,和占据这个世界绝大多数的人类集体意识有关。
From the perspective of the boy's belief system, he's just had a creative experience. 从小孩的信念系统来看,他正好有了创造性体验。
The lens is a belief system acting like a filter which allows and disallows you to see some aspects of the reality. 这个视角是一个信念系统,它就像一个过滤器,只让你看清事实的某一些方面,而不能够让你。
It is their repetition over time that gives these events power to shape a person's belief system. 真是反复的这种行为给于了这类事情具备了塑造一个人信念的机制。
To build the belief system of Grand Uncle of Hakkas society is not for marking its uniqueness; it can also display the deep conception system of the whole Han ethnic society under the worship of supernatural beings. 建构出客家社会大伯公的信仰体系,不是要标举其独特性,实际上也能彰扬出整个汉人社会鬼神崇拜下的深层观念系统。
You can do this in either prayer or meditation, whatever is comfortable for you within your spiritual belief system. 你可以透过祈祷或是冥想来提问,无论如何,这对你的灵性信仰体系都是舒服自在的。
The detailed structure of an intact indigenous belief system includes a dose of skepticism. 任何一个土著民族的信念系统在细节结构方面都含有怀疑论的成分;
It should be apparent that using a country's education system to indoctrinate generations with this false belief system will eventually have traumatic consequences for that society. 应该是明显的,使用国家的教育体制去给下一代灌输这个错误的信念体系,将最终有那个社会的创伤后果。
For your part you need only be discerning and you will know what to make part of your belief system. 你的一部分,您只需要雪亮的,你会知道怎样让你的信仰体系的一部分。